Conscious Living

Life, liberty and the pursuit of net zero

What lies before us is the unprecedented commitment by FivePoint to make Valencia the most environmentally sustainable planned community in California, if not the United States. Here’s what our residents and partners had to say.

Our promise to
Mother Earth

We commit to serving as stewards of this land. Protectors of the environment. We will champion green building standards, preserve natural beauty and invest in climate action around the world. This isn’t a soapbox or a mission statement. It is a vision for a shared future. One of greater environmental harmony and more health and happiness for all.

The pursuit of a net zero Valencia

Our plan is to advance the State of California’s fight against climate change through zero net greenhouse gas emissions and net zero energy use practices. At the same time, we’re creating thousands of jobs, stimulating enormous economic activity, providing critically needed new housing and protecting large stretches of nature within the Santa Clarita Valley.

We don’t have to tell you, these are some big objectives. Yet we’ve already made a lot of progress and we’re collaborating on new research, stepping up our innovation, and doing the hard work that it’s going to take to achieve our goals. In the end, we believe this community will become a new model of life and work in California.

Net-Zero GHG Program

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Our partners and residents share our mission of creating sustainable communities. Watch the video to see what they had to say.

A guide to building and living sustainably

For us, it's a way of life.

+ Energy Efficiency

Eco-friendly home design

We’re bringing our commitment to mother nature indoors. The homes in the first phase of Valencia will feature high-efficiency furnaces and air conditioners, Energy Star® appliances, rooftop insulation and solar panels.

+ Transportation

Electric vehicle (EV) chargers

Level 2 EV chargers are planned for existing and future homes, making gas-guzzling cars (and oil changes) a thing of the past.

+ Environmental Stewardship

Water conservation efforts

In California, water is precious. So we have a number of efforts to help recycle and reuse it. Like a water reclamation plant that will recycle millions of gallons per day for non-potable uses like irrigating parks and open spaces. Stormwater management that captures and treats runoff before returning to local streams and aquifers. And an independent water supply that uses onsite groundwater for municipal purposes, minimizing the burden on local water agency supplies and reliance on State water.

+ Environmental Stewardship

Open space preservation

We must all step up and protect the natural environment. Our plan to set aside approximately 10,000 acres of open space in LA and Ventura Counties includes habitat reserves for the endangered spineflower, native oak trees, and other heritage trees, along with acres of woodland preserves on the east and west sides of our community.

So... what is net zero?

At Valencia, we’re committed to net-zero energy use and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Through a combination of technologies and practices that conserve energy and generate clean energy, Valencia’s goal is to create at least as much energy as we use. This helps achieve our other goal, which is to reduce carbon emissions to the point where Valencia’s overall production of greenhouse gas adds up to zero. That’s not just net-zero energy, that’s maximum synergy.

Achieving net-zero isn’t dull and technical. It’s educational. Experiential. And most of all, mutual.

It’s things you’ll experience every day.

Level 2 EV charger planned for existing and future homes; planned electric charging stations for cars throughout the community; energy-efficient homes; community gardens; and a development pattern that preserves approximately 10,000 acres of habitat.

Things you’ll be able to see.

Rooftop solar; bike lanes and neighborhood electric vehicle pathways; and special conservation areas that protect rare plant species such as the endangered San Fernando Valley spineflower.

Things that will be hiding in plain sight.

Rainwater collection systems and stormwater management programs; an independent water supply that uses onsite groundwater; geothermal heating and cooling systems for community buildings and pools; water reclamation that irrigates parks and open spaces with recycled water; wildfire mitigation practices that include low-combustible, drought-tolerant landscaping; and state-of-the-art development and design practices.

Things that will happen elsewhere.

Like the conservation easement — a 170-acre forest preserved in Humboldt County — which is the equivalent of taking approximately 18,000 cars off the road; energy-efficient technologies provided to area public schools; and the cook stove program we’re funding in sub-Saharan Africa.

And it’s things that will happen close to home.

25 homes in disadvantaged neighborhoods were recently retrofitted with solar installations and “cool roofs” that save energy. More investments like this are planned for the future. Meanwhile, you can help by reducing your personal carbon footprint, shopping locally, living closer to work … and spreading the word.


You are our home, our playground, our future. And the only place we work. So we not only support the ambitious climate-first measures and goals of our state, we see ourselves as partners with state leadership. In our climate-first mission, here’s who we’re partnering with:

Learn more about FivePoint’s vision for a cleaner California.


In our climate-first mission, here’s who we’re partnering with:


CA Department of Fish & Wildlife
CA State Coastal Conservancy
Boys & Girls Club of SCV (Santa Clara River Rally Cleanup)


US Army Corps of Engineers
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Fish and Wildlife
Center for National Lands Management
Plug in America


Climate Resolve
Climate Forward
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Farmers market

Visit the Valencia Certified Farmers Market

Every Sunday
8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Learn More